Studio Milagro Fine Art & Friends
Hi, I’m Jeannie.
StudioMilagro is my online art gallery featuring the works of a small group of my artist friends. Some of us are hidden or emerging talents and hobbyists; others are professionally accomplished nationally and even worldwide. Getting together and showcasing our works in the Studio is our way of sharing our love of art with you.
This site is a hobby and mostly for fun, although a handful of pieces on our Private Collections page are available for purchase.

Brad Burnham, Rick Forsgren, Albert Joiner, Sallie Parker, Wendi Steinman, Harland Young, and me, Jeannie.
StudioMilagro showcases the extraordinary talents of my artist friends just for fun. I am not actively marketing their artworks for sale; I am simply sharing and bragging up my friends, and “scrapbooking” my own art experience.
StudioMilagro also offers a “Private Collection” page that displays privately held fine art pieces, some of which are available for purchase. If you see a piece that captures your eye and you want to inquire as to its availability, use my “Contact” page to reach out for information.
NOTE: I am not a licensed fine art broker/appraiser, and StudioMilagro does not offer appraisal services. You are encouraged to secure any desired appraisals from qualified appraisers of your own choosing.